Grammar table road trips -- Introduction: A table unfolded -- 1. A national obsession : the Oxford comma -- 2. The joy of grammar vocabulary -- 3. "Affect" and "effect" are mean spelling trolls -- 4. Corrections, humility, and etiquette -- 5. Adverbial antics -- 6. How are you? -- 7. Bookzuberance -- 8. Going farther and further -- 9. Texting grammar -- 10. Sentimental speller -- 11. Please____ (lie, lay) down and read this -- 12. The life, times, and punctuation of the appositive -- 13. Weird plurals : your data ____ (is/are) giving me a headache -- 14. Yes, ma'am! -- 15. Accents keep things fresh -- 16. The great American spacing war -- 17. cAPiTaLizAtiON CHAoS -- 18. Contract with confidence! -- 19. The pleasure of pronunciation -- 20. I saw____ (a, an) UFO on Main Street -- 21. Compound sentences -- 22. Semicolonphobia! -- 23. Labyrinthine lists -- 24. Colonoscopy -- 25. Comma volume -- 26. You can read this chapter in five minutes or fewer -- 27. Possessed by apostrophes -- 28. Plural possessive holiday extravaganza -- 29. Peculiar pasts -- 30. Peripatetic past participles -- 31. What's passed is past -- 32. Gerund v. present-participle smackdown -- 33. Horizontal-line lessons--hyphens and dashes, A-Z -- 34. Good fun with bad words -- 35. ... -- 36. Where's that preposition at? -- 37. Faces and facets of "they" -- 38. The precarious case of the pronoun case -- 39. Whom ya gonna call? -- 40. Bewitching whiches -- 41. Punctuation location contemplation -- 42. Subject-verb synchronicity -- 43. More than then -- 44. It's time for "its"! -- 45. More homophonous happenings : 'your" and 'their" -- 46. Had had, that that, do do, do be do! -- 47. The art of writing with your actual hand -- 48. School days -- 49. Grammar boogie -- Tabletop bibliography : what's on the grammar table?